• (info) licensemanager: credentials for lauren platco are valid
    (debug) mod_core_context:108000062: configfactory.loadhtaccess: \\boswinfs07\home\users\web\b412\dot.bluecapdistribut\.htaccess
    (debug) mod_core_context:108000062: configfactory.loadhtaccess: \\boswinfs07\home\users\web\b412\dot.bluecapdistribut\webservice2\bluerockdistributors.com\.htaccess
    (error) .htaccess:108000062: internal error - exception in rewrite_module:
     the virtual path '/index.php' maps to another application, which is not allowed.    at system.web.virtualpath.failifnotwithinapproot()
       at system.web.httpcontext.rewritepath(string path, boolean rebaseclientpath)
       at 5.36.5378771699(string )
       at 3.13.1(18 , string )
       at 3.13.0(18 , string& , 23 , 23 , list`1 )
       at 3.13.204275840(18 , string , list`1 , string& )
       at 3.118.0(18 , list`1& )
       at 3.118.1349341432(18 )
       at 5.7.0(36 )
    (info) requestcontext:108000062: (info) licensemanager: credentials for lauren platco are valid
    (debug) mod_core_context:108000062: configfactory.loadhtaccess: \\boswinfs07\home\users\web\b412\dot.bluecapdistribut\.htaccess
    (debug) mod_core_context:108000062: configfactory.loadhtaccess: \\boswinfs07\home\users\web\b412\dot.bluecapdistribut\webservice2\bluerockdistributors.com\.htaccess
    (error) .htaccess:108000062: internal error - exception in rewrite_module:
     the virtual path '/index.php' maps to another application, which is not allowed.    at system.web.virtualpath.failifnotwithinapproot()
       at system.web.httpcontext.rewritepath(string path, boolean rebaseclientpath)
       at 5.36.5378771699(string )
       at 3.13.1(18 , string )
       at 3.13.0(18 , string& , 23 , 23 , list`1 )
       at 3.13.204275840(18 , string , list`1 , string& )
       at 3.118.0(18 , list`1& )
       at 3.118.1349341432(18 )
       at 5.7.0(36 )
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  • write online reviews
  • write online reviews